Lawn Preparation – How To Prepare A Lawn For Laying Turf?

Lush green lawns are refreshing and rejuvenating when seen in the morning. But there is a lot of hard work involved in a successfully grown garden, and the process starts from laying turf to its maintenance, aftercare and ongoing maintenance. Several steps are taken to lay a turf successfully, and we have covered some in this write-up.

Santa Anna Couch




Vendors of couch grass recommend thinking in advance regarding the lawn’s shape and size. This will give you a better idea of the turf services in Sydney required for ground preparation. You might have to remove the old grass and prepare the ground adequately for laying turf.


Not too many of them are needed, and DIY lawn preparation is also possible with them. However, it is recommended to seek professional turf services in Sydney for laying turf and growing couch grass, buffalo grass, etc.

  • Wheelbarrow
  • Rake
  • Long knife or old hand saw
  • Spade or fork
  • Some scaffolding planks
  • Garden hose and sprinkler

A rotovator will also be needed if you’re replacing an existing lawn.



  • The ground preparation process is the most time-consuming, as it involves several steps discussed below.
  • Removing the existing lawn, as experts recommend not growing new turf on the grass.
  • Checking the quality and depth of your topsoil and the minimum depth should be 100 mm while the ideal depth is 150 mm.
  • You might have to use soil improvers to enhance soil quality.
  • Ground levelling is also needed to create a levelled ground that looks aesthetically pleasing and is easy to maintain.

Ground leveling involves the following steps.

  • Begin by digging over or rotovating the soil
  • Remove any surface stone, clods, or other debris
  • Soil should be lightly compacted by walking over the whole area
  • Break up any heavily compacted areas using a fork
  • Fill any dips, lightly compacting
  • Rake the surface to ensure that the surface is level
  • Avoid using heavy equipment on the prepared soil, such as roller



Vendors of couch grass and other turf services in Sydney recommend laying the turf just after the delivery. Some important points to remember while laying turf are – 

  • The planks should be placed on the newly laid turf for walking
  • Roller should not be used at all on freshly laid turf
  • Pushing the turf into a joint is recommended
  • Turf should not be allowed to dry out at all

Why Is It Important To Take Turf Services?

Turf fans are an important element in having a beautiful outdoor area. It makes your house look beautiful more than just adding turf grass in it. By seeking the turf services you can maintain your property as they help in providing your lawn with every basic thing that you just need to see the results.

Preparation Laying turf

Also, make sure you get right turf supplies and maintain your turf on a regular basis. As by not maintaining it, you can ruin the purpose of adding it to your outdoor area in the first place.

Here are some reasons why laying turf in Sydney is important.

A well-maintained turf adds to the aesthetic appeal of your home

It should be your top priority to maintain your turf from time to time. As there is no one who likes seeing the turf in their yard full of weeds or insects. Therefore, the turf also has to be in the right length. You don’t want turf grass that’s long enough as it may bury your feet in it while walking.

It helps increase the value of your property

By having beautiful turf farm it increases the value of the entire property. But make sure you maintain your property regularly as there is increased the chance that you might get a better price when you are planning to sell your home.

Therefore, turf services can make your house look interesting as well as make it look professional.